GeoGames 2024!
The primary purpose of the GeoGames, sponsored by Agru, is to highlight the professionalism and the importance that the installers and the welding technicians play in the installation of geosynthetic materials. But as installers, we want to do that in a fun and informative way rather than in a lecture hall. That is why the GeoGames was created –to highlight YOU—the installer. (after all, the blueprints are just pretty pictures until installers show up.) We ask that you use your best technicians to compete in the games. IAGI will be inviting all those who attend the GeoAmericas 2024 conference to this gathering and we want our CWTs to shine! You are asked to wear a company team shirt that includes your company’s name/logo. Please wear proper safety equipment during the competition. IAGI wants to demonstrate that IAGI members take safety seriously—even when we get together for a good time. Put your company’s best foot forward and let your CWTs shine on the GeoGames battlefield!Check out our introduction video! GeoGames was born at the Geosynthetics Convention in Orlando, in 2017 when Phil Denis and Vincent Mondoux (Project Managers for FC Liners) shared an end-of-convention dinner with their friends Laurie Honnigford (IAGI Managing Director) and ‘’Demo’’ Dave McLaury (IAGI Director), amongst a few others. The dinner talk included a discussion of fresh new ideas and concepts for the future of IAGI. Sometime between the soup and the salad, Phil and Vince shared their vision of a Geosynthetics Competition in the near future where installation companies from around the world could compete for a title. The idea caught like wildfire and the rest of the meal was spent brainstorming for GeoGames. Soon after, Laurie and Dave pitched the idea to the IAGI board of directors and it stuck: an organizing committee was quickly put in place. The first iteration of GeoGames was held at the Geosynthetics 2019 convention in Houston, TX! The pandemic temporarily halted the competition, but in 2023 a virtual version of the GeoGames was produced. We celebrated the winners during the Geosynthetics 2023 show in Kansas City, Missouri in February 2023. The added benefit was that companies that could not send technicians to the conference, could videotape their team and be included in the competition! Visit IAGI's YouTube page to see the 2023 competition. Check out the rules and requirements for teams to compete. |