GeoGames 2023 Team Information
The primary purpose of the GeoGames is to highlight the professionalism and the importance that the installers and the welding technicians play in the installation of geosynthetics materials. But as installers, we want to do that in a fun and informative way. That is why the GeoGames was created –to highlight YOU—the installer. (after all, the blueprints are just pretty pictures until installers show up.)
All the details for entering the competition can be found in this document. GeoGames 2023 Information Document.
Event Description
How skillfully and fast can your installation team wedge weld five panels, air-test the seams and repair cross seams with extrusion welding? For the 2023 event, IAGI brings GeoGames to a new level by making participation in the competition possible for all its members around the world!
Every installer will be able to participate by filming their live performance and sending it to IAGI before January 13th, 2023. The performances will then be presented at the Geosynthetics 2023 in Kansas City, Missouri on February 7th, 2023.
- Teams need to hire a local proctor who will monitor the teams' performances. The proctor will especially look out for:
- Validity of the wedge welds (air tests)
- Size and positioning of the patches
- Destructive testing of wedge welds and extrusion welds
- Teams need to consist of exactly two players.
- One team per inscription, meaning that a company can have several teams competing.
- Before the start of wedge welding, the team positions their panels exactly as shown below. The team members will calibrate their machines, leave them on and position them where they want inside the layout.
- Once ready, the players need to wait outside of the layout, just beside the main camera. The Proctor counts down 3-2-1 before the team can enter the layout - the Proctor starts Chrono (stopwatch) once the team enters the layout.
- Once all wedge welds have been validated by proper air testing, the team can move on to repairs. The team can't move on to repairs unless all air tests pass - which will be confirmed by the Proctor.
- The team then needs to repair and seal their cross seams with extrusion welds.
- Once all repairs have been achieved, the team needs to leave the layout, then Proctor then stops the Chrono.
- The Proctor oversees the destructive testing (DT) on one wedge weld and one extrusion weld of the proctor's choosing. The proctor will record the values shown on the tensiometer. Any DT failure will result in automatic disqualification!
- Other minor penalties will be added for (but not limited to): wedge weld burns - leaks in air tests - repair dimensions (patch size) - missing / incomplete repairs.
- The team with the overall lowest time wins!
Panel Layout & Camera Positioning
- The main camera must be placed 10 feet from the bottom right corner, and 7 to 8 feet in the air, as shown in the pictures below.

- The main camera must be fixed and film in landscape mode. We cannot use portrait orientation film in the final presentation at GeoGames.
- The feed of the main camera must be continuous, any tampering with the main feed will get a team automatically disqualified.
- We encourage teams to have other feeds, other cameras! These can consist of other people filming with their phone (also in landscape mode). These cameras can move around, zoom in and out, film close-ups, etc. We want to see action, we want to see faces!
Put your company’s best foot forward and let your CWTs shine on the GeoGames battlefield!
Things to Know Before You Sign Up
You must be a member in good standing of IAGI as of 1 January 2023.
You are asked to wear a company team shirt that includes your company’s name/logo for a bit of unabashed self-promotion for your company.
A few suggestions for your consideration
Cheering sections are encouraged.
You may want to hang a company banner within the camera frame. Please position it so the banner does not interfere with the team members or distract from the competition.